

Carolina (aka Prim) is a 2009, 16.1hh CSH mare by Xavier K. Prim has miles of experience in the amateur hunter ring competing up to 3'0 ft on Ontario's gold and silver circuits with plenty of scope for more. Prim is a well seasoned horse with smooth, comfortable gaits and an excellent style over fences. She is great to handle in the barn and is easy for shoeing, shipping, tying, bathing, and clipping. She is an excellent trail partner (alone or in groups) who loves to hack out and is ready to step on the trailer and into the show pen anytime.

Prim is best suited to an experienced rider as she is a sensitive ride who enjoys a full program, but has lots of buttons, making her a fun, capable partner to work with. Her last job was as a 2'6 hunter for an AA and is currently in full training as well as part time enjoyed by some of our handy junior students. Prim is a good candidate to move into the derbies or continue her show career in the hunter ring with her next partner.

Located in Uxbridge, ON.
Please contact Joanna Niles at EquiSTRONG for more information or to set up a trial appointment.

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