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Lasting Impression

Lasting Impression and a junior rider at Mane Event Horse Shows Trillium Show (Southeast Zone)


Diva is a small jumper mare available for partboard, lease, or sale. Very competitive in the .75s and .90s and has miles of experience on the trillium circuit. Perfect size for a small adult or junior looking to be competitive in the jumper ring. She is an uncomplicated ride on the flat and a forward ride over fences. She'll turn on a dime and jump from any distance. Great horse for anyone looking to have fun, learn, and win in the jumper ring!

Located in Uxbridge at a beautiful full service facility with attached arena, heated washroom, and friendly atmosphere! Easy commute from GTA, Durham and York Regions.

Coaching, showing and lessons available!

Part leases start at just $135.00/mo!

Lasting Impression and a junior rider in the jumper ring at Caledon Equestrian Park

Lasting Impression and a junior rider, champion at Joker's Hill Spring Trillium Show (Central East Zone)

1 Comment

Sep 11, 2018

I am interested in Diva. Is she still available and how do I make contact please? Also how big is she?

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