

Leroy is a 15.3hh, 2017 thoroughbred gelding by Numaany out of an Alphabet Soup mare. This gelding had a brief race career where he quickly demonstrated his lack of speed and as such, Leroy is available as an excellent hunter prospect. He's a slow, steady mount, who doesn't mind taking his time moving from A to B while still being keen and willing to work. He has had a quality, slow restart on the flat and is just beginning his jumping career. Leroy is very simple to ride, WTC with shape and good quality gaits, counter canters, lead changes with ease, and is started over fences up to 2ft, showing a willing attitude and good form. Leroy would make an excellent hunter with a big, lazy stride that will easily make the lines while not in a big hurry to do anything. His off track miles have been almost completely done by a junior as he has absolutely no buck, bolt, spook, rear and would be easy enough for a JR or AA to finish. He is not easily offended by rider error and will safely hack out for miles. He loves being fussed over and is a relatively easy keeper- living outside, but does best with grain, front shoes & minor maintenance.

Leroy is an ideal project to bring along for a novice/intermediate rider or could make a great addition to a school or professional's program.
Located in Uxbridge, ON.
Contact Joanna Niles at EquiSTRONG for more information or to book a trial appointment.
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